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Everybody wants to have a happy summer. Vacations, sunshine, cookouts… So fun!
So, let’s share a few tips here for how to keep ourselves healthier over summer.
The main things are simple:
·     Get outside;
·     Move every day;
·     And eat all things in moderation.
You know that already, but it can’t be said enough!
1.    Go for a walk every morning or evening, when it’s not too hot out. Take the dog, enjoy the solitude, or invite a friend. Walking works wonders. (And it’s outside!)
2.    Enjoy an outdoor sport, whether it’s something new for you or an old favourite: tennis, golf, jogging, kayaking or swimming outdoors if you have that option. If you haven’t done it in a year, take it easy and work yourself back into it.
3.    Explore your town’s parks and trails. It’s amazing the greenery you can find waiting right outside your door.
4.    Shop at your local farmers markets. You’ll be supporting your community as you stock up fresh fruits and vegetables for smoothies, salads, and grilling.
5.    Level-up your backyard cookouts with turkey, shrimp, chicken and burgers. Toss some pepper slices and zucchini on the grill. Create your own flavored teas to enjoy.
6.    Connect with friends and neighbors you haven’t seen since The Before Times.
7.    Participate in community events like festivals and 5K fun runs and walks.
8.    Sketch out improvements you want to create in your yard or garden, and make a plan with a shopping list. Gardening is hard work – so go for a short walk first and then spread the work over a couple of days.
9.    Remember the basics. That means sunscreen, bug spray, plenty of water, and avoiding too much heat. The sun can get you, even on a cloudy day.
10. Stick to your sleep schedule and screen limits even if the days seem longer.
See how easy it is? And that doesn’t even count vacations, drives to the beach, or days simply exploring.
Summer rocks. Enjoy it!