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People sometimes ask why I exercise regularly.
Sometimes they even ask if I’m trying to make a point, or prevent aging, or hold onto my youthful vanity… On and on…
But here’s the truth.
I move my body because I am grateful that I can.
If you have the ability to care for your body, then you can see exercise and healthy eating as GIFTS, not burdens. Because not everyone can, you know.
Are you showing thanks for that every day? The more you challenge your body – THE BETTER YOU CARE FOR IT — the more it will respond.
Look, sometimes I don’t feel like working out. But I do it anyway. It’s a ritual of expressing gratitude. And it keeps me humble, knowing that I might not always be so strong, fast or agile.
Our bodies change, after all.
So give your body everything you’ve got, each and every day.
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to get moving more and face the fear of starting an exercise program again then now is the perfect time.
If you’ve been in pain for awhile, and it isn’t getting better and you’re ready to get out of the cycle of appointment after appointment, then you need a change.
The first step is a phone call and then moving better is only a few short weeks away.
Start enjoying life more once you move more.
Start enjoying time with the kids and the ability to do more activities.
Stop being afraid of moving and start now – our classes are designed just for you!