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I’m a big believer in checking in with yourself to see how you’re progressing toward a goal – and in celebrating milestones along the way.


And this is a good point in the year to look back, celebrate yourself, and create more wins and momentum.


So, here’s what I want you to do. And remember, you can do this anytime.


First, think back on the goals and direction you set at the beginning of the year. Note how they make you feel now – before you get to what you think, just note the emotions that come up when you see what you wanted a few months ago.


  • Maybe it’s very similar to where you are now.
  • Maybe it’s very different.
  • Or maybe you can see a natural evolution that makes sense when you stop to think about it.


Next, think of (or better, write down) any time you made progress in the last few months.


  • Did you take a step toward moving more?
  • Did you hit your target in number and frequency of classes at the studio?
  • Did you enroll in that cooking class you were eyeing?


Note how these moments of success made you feel then and now, and how those emotions play into where you see yourself today.


I hope you feel good about yourself for making these wins! And I want you to focus on this, rather than on any frustration you might feel toward not yet being where you want to be.


Goals are important, of course.


But we should always remember to look at how far we’ve come, as well. It brings more useful information and perspective than just feeling down. And it’s better self-care, which results in all kinds of benefits that will keep you going on the right path.


So, go ahead. Take a moment to look back, acknowledge the fantastic work you’ve made, and look forward into the rest of the year just enough to make any adjustments to your roadmap.


From this vantage point, 2024 is looking great so far! Keep it up, my friend.