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If you’re like most people, you’ll be going to more social events this month than normal. Too many parties in too little time can really mess up your eating habits. But it doesn’t have to be that way – not if you plan ahead with these Holiday Party Success Strategies!


  1. Be Selective. You’re not obligated to accept every invitation or to stay all night. Choose the ones that matter most to you — whether for the company, the fun, or the fabulous food. Prioritize your favorites, and let the rest gracefully fade away.
  2. Practice Portion Control. Eat until 80% full. Feel free to sample everything and savor what truly delights you but pay attention to those fullness cues.
  3. Participate in Potlucks. Bring a dish that’s not just healthy but a reflection of your love for good food. Share the joy of nourishing your body while contributing to the collective feast.
  4. Don’t Go Anywhere Hungry. Eat your normal meals the rest of the day. You’ll be less likely to be tempted by whatever’s offered – or get hangry if service is delayed.
  5. Limit Alcohol. Too much wine or liquor can lead to overeating, so alternate a glass of water or club soda for each adult beverage.


Remember that holiday parties are supposed to be fun. This is also a time when it’s easy to get over-stressed and neglect self-care.


Just stay in the moment, pay attention to yourself, and remember you are totally allowed to say, “No, thank you” at any time!