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Let’s just get to it.


The idea of being “ready” is unrealistic for making healthy choices as adults.




Because we can’t always be “ready.” And if we insist on waiting until we are, then we might be waiting forever. When we’re planning to adopt healthy habits like exercising and eating better, this ideal state of being “ready” usually doesn’t come. Instead, we have to start taking the actions we need to take, and from that comes the sense that we’re doing what we “should” be doing.


You’ve heard the expression “fake it till you make it,” right? It just means: Do the right thing, even if you don’t always feel like it.


Seriously. Do you miss work because you’re not mentally “ready” to face the day? Do you tell the kids to drive themselves to school because you’re not “ready” to leave?


Of course not. You do what you need to do, and before you know it, the chore is completed. In the same way, start eating right and exercising today. Do it again tomorrow. And the day after that.


Then, you’ll feel “ready” in no time!


If you’ve been waiting for the right time to get moving more and face the fear of starting an exercise program again then now is the perfect time.


If you’ve been in pain for awhile and it isn’t getting better and you’re ready to get out of the cycle of appointment after appointment then you need a change.


The first step is a phone call and then moving better is only a few short weeks away.


Start enjoying life more once you move more.


Start enjoying time with the kids and the ability to do more activities.


Stop being afraid of moving and start now – our classes are designed just for you!