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Have you come across the phrase “mindful eating”? It’s a fascinating and helpful offshoot of the broader “mindfulness” trend that has become commonplace in recent years, although it has roots in Zen Buddhism.


General mindfulness is the idea that you’re paying attention to what you’re doing, engaging your senses, emotions and consciousness, but not judging yourself or anything else. Just deliberately observing.


Compare that to how many people eat every day.


·     In the car

·     In front of the TV

·     In a meeting or while on the phone


All of those common practices prevent mindful eating and encourage, well… MINDLESS eating. And that can lead to eating too much, eating too quickly, and substituting food for psychological health.


So, how can you embrace mindful eating in a world that often encourages the opposite? Here are some suggestions:


1. Start when shopping. Consider each item you put into your cart. What health value does it bring? Are you buying it on impulse because you’re hungry or craving a sweet? Fill your cart with produce and protein, healthy fats and a variety of great carboydrates.


2. Don’t skip meals or wait until you’re “starving.” That just encourages you to get something – anything! – into your belly right away. It also causes overeating.

3. Think small. Take smaller portions. Take small bites, putting the utensils down while you chew. You can always go back for seconds later.

4. Appreciate your food. Give thanks or at least pause to appreciate everything involved in bringing your food before you.

5. Soak it all in with your senses. When cooking and eating, note how food looks, smells, tastes, even feels. Again – don’t judge. Just pay attention.

6. Eat slowly. Ever catch yourself wolfing down a burger? Not a pretty picture, is it? Now see yourself proceeding through a meal as if you’re actually paying attention to what you’re doing.

Why bother with mindful eating? It’s not just about weight loss—though that often happens naturally. Mindful eating helps reprogram your brain around food impulses, improves digestion, regulates eating patterns, and nudges you toward healthier choices.


Give it a shot with your meals, and you’ll likely notice positive changes. Then, consider applying mindfulness to other aspects of your life—it’s a practice with surprising power.


Here’s to a healthier, more intentional you!