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As we begin another year, it’s the perfect time to hit the start button and dive into the incredible potential that lies ahead. Isn’t the idea of a fresh start one of the most magical aspects of the new year?


Let’s chat about something crucial—our mindset. Are you ready to make a choice between a fixed mindset that whispers “No way” or a growth mindset that boldly declares “I can do it”?


Well, I want you to shake yourself to attention right now and commit to nurturing the one that’s OBVIOUSLY the right choice! You can literally change your life with a growth mentality, not just in developing healthy habits and positive emotions, but in all aspects of your life.


Let’s break it down. A fixed mindset is like cruising on autopilot, believing that your abilities, intelligence, and talents are set in stone. You find yourself saying things like, “I can’t do this” or “I’m just not good at that” far too often. You reach a challenge and shrug and say, “Well, I guess this is as far as I go.”


BUT… on the flip side, a growth mindset is all about embracing challenges, learning from setbacks, and understanding that success takes effort. It’s the mindset that confidently asserts, “I may not be there yet, but I’m working on it.” It’s the belief that you can develop your abilities through consistent effort.


Now, believe me, I know how easy it is to feel stuck. Maybe you hit a plateau in your workouts or in progress toward, say, a weight-loss goal.


“I can’t bike any farther,” you might say.


Or, “I’ll never move like THAT awesome person.”


It’s natural to feel that way sometimes. So, the next time you do, try to exercise your growth mindset, instead.


“I can keep adding to my distance slowly over time,” you might say.


Or, “I’ll move better in the future if I keep working at it.”


Reaching any meaningful goal is a marathon, not a sprint.


Keep THAT idea as part of your growth mindset. Embrace challenges. Welcome setbacks as valuable lessons. Do all of this, and you can only keep moving forward in 2024.


I’m here for it. And I’m here for YOU!