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In this season of giving, I want to remind you of a precious gift that often gets overlooked during the hustle and bustle of the holidays: the gift of self-care.


Tis the season for crazy schedules, demanding families, and a whirlwind of social events. While trying to please everyone else, be sure to sprinkle some love on yourself, too.


It will be a gift to everyone around you. Because, as you know, if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t shine a bright light for anyone else, either.


This is a time to accumulate sweet memories, not resentments.


And it’s your responsibility to stay within the lines for yourself.


  1. You can say “No, thank you.” That’s all it takes to politely decline an invitation or request. You don’t owe anyone a lengthy explanation. You don’t need to beat yourself up over it.
  2. Plan time to be alone or just with those who mean the most to you. If you’re single, be sure to give yourself time to work out, enjoy a good book, or meet up with friends. If you have a family, schedule low-key group meals or outings for just the few of you.
  3. Are you traveling this year? Then, pack water and snacks. And make plans to exercise while you’re away.
  4. Keep up your journaling, prayer or meditation, and other mental health habits.
  5. And your diet, sleep, exercise and other superstar physical health habits.
  6. Take quick reality checks. Are your shoulders tense? Consciously relax them. Are you frowning? Flash those pearly whites, even if you feel like you’re faking it. When stressed, pause to check if you’re hungry, angry, lonely or just need a power nap.
  7. Nothing boosts your spirits like helping others. You don’t have to spearhead Save the Holidays International! Just share a little joy where you can.


You have a heart that wants to give endlessly, and that’s a beautiful thing. But as you embrace the spirit of giving, remember to put yourself first. It’s not ego; it’s the foundation for pouring love into others, not just during the holidays but throughout the year.