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Maybe it’s human nature to want the “quick fix” to problem.


For example, I meet people all the time who ask about the fastest way to lose weight – say, in time for a wedding or other big event. And, yes, maybe there are tricks to drop extra pounds in a shorter amount of time for that one photo opp.


But if you want total, lasting transformation, then the solution is adopting smaller, sustainable habits that will add up over time and deliver big results.


·     Eat healthier

·     Exercise regularly.

·     Manage stress.

·     Sleep enough.

·     Hydrate.


People already know this and get frustrated or bored sometimes when I repeat it. But that just means the challenge is in their attitude and actions, not in being given a solution they think is too difficult.


·     We’re talking about leading a healthy lifestyle, not getting “skinny” for an event.

·     We’re talking about making the next, better choice as often as possible – and not beating ourselves up when we don’t hit the mark.

·     We’re talking about health for life, not weight loss for a short-term goal.


Chasing instant gratification won’t get you where you want to go. It’s frustrating and makes you feel bad about yourself.


Choose to feel good about yourself, today and well into the future.


Gaze at the horizon, not the next intersection, and see what you need to keep moving toward it.