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I love summer. Always have.

The energy, the motivation, the sense that life is unfolding right before your eyes… I feel it every year, and I hope you do, too.

In fact, I hope you can build on that positivity to dream bigger for yourself and for your life.

Consider the concepts we associate with the season:

  • Freedom
  • Sunshine
  • Travel
  • Romance
  • Family and friends

Those concepts all have something in common:

They make us feel good.

They make us feel positive.

They make us feel hopeful.

So, focus on those positive emotions when you think about dreaming bigger for yourself and your life.

What else makes you feel good, positive and hopeful? What do you do when you’re experiencing those emotions? How can you do more of that, and less of what makes you feel bad, negative, and hopeless?

See, it’s not about the weather or being on vacation.

It’s about choosing the mindset of positivity. It’s about basking in the glow of gratitude. It’s about choosing to make the positive decisions each day, whether they seem big or small.

Don’t get me wrong. I love the longer days of summer. I love going to baseball games. I love working in the yard.

Like I said, I LOVE SUMMER.

But once I realized it was my choice to love it – rather than choosing to hate it because of the humidity and the mosquitoes and the bored kids feeling stuck at home – well, the more I realized I could CHOOSE TO FEEL GOOD ALL THROUGH THE YEAR.

Sunshine on my shoulder? Nice but not necessary.

Sunshine in my heart? All up to me.