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Summertime is fun time, right? You bet! You want to enjoy the weather and the freedom.

But you also want to stay on track with your healthy habits. And that can be hard when your schedule is disrupted, and different pressures are weighing on you from family, friends and work.

The No. 1 thing is to keep it top of mind. Remind yourself throughout each day that your health is important, that the effort is worth it – and that YOU are worth it, too.

Have all the summer fun you can. But remember to eat right, exercise daily, get plenty of rest, and manage your stress.

To help you, I’ve put together a simple checklist of things to do throughout each month. It looks like a bingo card, so it’s super-easy to reference as a reminder. I’ve broken down the list of 15 activities into three lists – things to remember daily, things you check-off weekly, and things you should try at least once in a month.

Want to see what I have in mind? It’s attached to make your summer easier and healthier – let me know what you think!