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Finding ways to stay active when its cold outside

By February 26, 2022March 4th, 2022No Comments
It can be challenging enough to exercise consistently at any time of year. Throw in the cold weather and short days of February, and it can be even harder!
Not to worry. I have a great list of tips to keep you motivated in winter.
  • Dress right. That means layers if you’re going to be exercising outside, and something bright and perky for indoor workouts.
  • Lean into the weather by skiing, sledding, ice skating and other activities available where you are.
  • Bake movement into your daily routine so it’s easier to maintain. For instance, plan your gym visits as part of your daily commute.
  • Try something new – and if you have to pay for a new class, that’s even better because it’s another layer of motivation.
  • Use the buddy system. You and your friend will hold each other accountable when one or the other might be inclined to staying home.
  • Post on social media. You’ll get encouraging feedback, inspire others, and share a laugh, perhaps, about the weather.
  • Accept the mental challenge as an opportunity to steel your resolve.
  • Just move! Find something that brings you joy and do that! It doesn’t have to be for a certain amount of time or a certain exercise for it to be of benefit. Once you’re moving you’ll likely keep going.
Look, if you want an excuse to stay sedentary, you can always find one, no matter how cold or hot it is outside.
Just remember that the seasons will come and go. Be ready to stay committed to yourself.