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When I was little, I remember adults always saying things like, “Time goes faster and faster every year.”


I never believed them then, because my next birthday or Christmas seemed FOREVER in the future, right?


Now, as an adult myself? YEP! I see what they meant.


Every December, I find myself saying, “Oh, my gosh! Where did the year go? It’s almost January!”


Still, it’s not exactly a surprise, is it? We know that January follows the holidays, and that we’re going to think about plans for the coming year. You’ve probably been thinking about health and fitness goals already. So, let’s go a step further and talk about setting achievable goals and a plan to make them happen.


First, take a moment to look back. How did you do in 2023? Did you set SMART goals that were Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound? What were they? How did you do on them?


If you succeeded, even partly, please please PLEASE acknowledge that! Pat yourself on the back. Buy yourself a treat. Dance a victory jig. SOMETHING to celebrate.


If you fell short, that’s OK, too. We’re going to turn that into fuel for an even more marvelous 2024.


Before diving into the nitty-gritty of SMART goals for next year, take a broad look at the direction you want to take. Consider your feelings, both physically and mentally. What changes, personally or professionally, did 2023 bring, and what’s on the horizon for next year? Any exciting challenges like a promotion or a move?


Next, envision possible goals for the whole year.


  • Do you want to take up Pilates, yoga or weightlifting?
  • Do you want to expand your skills in the kitchen?
  • Do you hope to improve your general outlook or self-esteem?


Now let’s start to develop specific goals and statements around them.


  • I want to conquer 10 pull ups by summer.
  • I aim to eliminate 2 of my medications before September.
  • I’ll practice GetUps 4 times a week so I can easily get up off the ground to play with grandkids.


Finally, narrow this down one more step – in your journal – by applying the SMART standards to your goals.


  • Make some of them monthly, some quarterly, and some for the end of the year.
  • Create mini-goals along the way and note how you’ll treat yourself at each milestone.
  • Enlist supporters you’ll need – a coach, a confidant, a cheerleader, etc.


Most importantly, enjoy the process – of creating the goals and pursuing them. You really can do anything you choose. You’ve got this!