Foam Roller


Activate deep core muscles, improve balance and posture with out 36inch Foam Roller Deluxe. This high-performance, professional roller is made of closed-cell foam that features a non-skid surface. Incorporate into a variety of exercises while sitting, standing and lying down. It is excellent for myofascial release and for working out muscle knots with self-massage. Features a unique, textured non slip surface to reinforce stability and movement effectiveness.

  • Rounded corners on the Foam Roller add to the comfort level
  • Strengthen deep support muscles to help stabilize the spine
  • Provide proprioceptive challenge
  • Relieve tension


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Activate deep core muscles, improve balance and posture with out 36inch Foam Roller Deluxe. This high-performance, professional roller is made of closed-cell foam that features a non-skid surface. Incorporate into a variety of exercises while sitting, standing and lying down. It is excellent for myofascial release and for workingout muscle knots with self-massage. Features a unique, textured non slip surface to reinforce stability and movement effectiveness.


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