Easy Beginner Pilates at home for busy moms

Give me 15 minutes a day/3 days a week from the comfort of your own home - to get your body in motion and reduce pain.

I know your world. It’s a whirlwind of packed lunches, school runs, work deadlines, and that ever-growing pile of laundry.

I’m Donna Shellenberg, a mom of 3, and a fitness coach with 38 years of experience. But more than that, I’ve been where you are – constantly juggling family and work, while my own well-being took a back seat.

As a mom, your day often starts before the sun rises and ends long after it sets. Between preparing meals, managing family schedules, and perhaps juggling a career, there’s barely a moment left for you. I know this all too well. Even as a fitness professional, I’ve had my share of struggles in prioritising my own health and wellness.

You’ve likely felt it too – the creeping guilt of not taking better care of yourself, the frustration of niggles and aches that seem to come and go with no rhyme or reason.

As a Mom you’ve sacrificed a lot. Your time, your health, heck – even your body. (Nothing like being nervous to jump on a trampoline or even sneeze unexpectedly – am I right?)

And if you’re anything like me you don’t regret it one little bit…but…

Wouldn’t it be nice to reclaim some of that back without another thing on your to-do list that will simply deplete you?

Focusing on you for a change isn’t about being vain or being selfish. It’s the concern about your health as you grow older, wanting to be there – full of life and energy – for your children as they grow. You want to be a role model for your family, showing the importance of health and self-care, but finding the path to do so feels like navigating a maze without a map.

I’ve been there, in those shoes, feeling lost in the hustle of life, wondering if my own well-being would ever take the front seat again. But here’s what I’ve learned: taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s essential. And it’s possible, even in your busy world. You don’t need hours in a gym or complicated equipment. What you need is a solution that understands and fits into your life, not the other way around.

That’s why I created this program – a 4-week journey back to yourself.

It’s more than just fitness and getting your body in motion: it’s a reawakening of the vibrant, energetic, and strong woman you are. And you don’t have to do it alone. We’re in this together, every step of the way.

Introducing Your unique path To Wellness

You’ve felt the struggle, the guilt, and the yearning for a body you love. Now, it’s time to turn those feelings into action with a solution crafted just for you. I’m thrilled to introduce our 4-Week Online Pilates Foundations Program, designed exclusively for busy moms over 40 like you, who are ready to get your body in motion.

How It Works:

Our program is all about simplicity and effectiveness. Each day, you’ll have a movement practice that you can easily fit into your hectic schedule. These movement sessions are specially designed to be done at home, with no need for any equipment. Just you, a small space, and a few minutes each day.

The Heart of the Program – Benefits That Focus On Healing From The Inside Out:

This isn’t about chasing fitness goals. Our philosophy centers around listening to the whispers of your body before they turn into roars. As moms, it’s easy to overlook our own pains and needs. This program is your reminder that your well-being is paramount. We delve into the fundamentals of movement, focusing on pelvic health, addressing common post-pregnancy concerns like incontinence and prolapse, and emphasizing the importance of building a strong foundation before, during, and after motherhood.

Here, movement isn’t just exercise; it’s a form of medicine for both body and soul.

Here's What You'll Get When You Sign Up Today

Comprehensive Online Program

With over 20 beginner-friendly lessons, this Foundational Program has been carefully crafted to guide you through the necessary core principles of strengthening and reconnecting with your body through mindful, specific movement that will have you more aware, and more in control of your body than ever before.

Holistic Approach

Instead of focusing on the superficial elements of 'fitness' this program focuses on helping you feel good - about yourself, and about how your body feels when you move. We'll teach you how to feel when your body is structurally aligned through proper placement. We'll teach you the basic principles of proper breathing. We'll guide you step-by-step through adopting a new movement practice, and we do it all with simple to understand, beginner-friendly video demonstrations and coaching.

Full Body Mastery

After we teach you the core principles of how to properly align the core structures of the body through the correct placement, we'll then move on to introducing you to a full body warm up that will not only prepare your muscles and joints for exercise, but will also prime your nervous system in a way that helps you learn and connect with your entire body. This is crucial for progressing your movement capacity, as you begin to gently develop your strength and mobility.

Strength and Lengthen

As you progress through the program, you'll start to notice that you're able to feel noticeable improvements in the strength of your arms, legs, back, glutes and core. You'll build endurance and stability, you'll increase your overall mobility - and you'll start to reconnect with your pelvic floor, giving you more confidence and control.

Are You Ready To Start Taking Care Of Yourself As Much As You Take Care of Everyone Else?

Backed By Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If You Don’t Absolutely Love The Program And Feel A Noticeable Difference After The 4-Weeks, Just Let Us Know And We’ll Give You A Full Refund.

Here's What Others' Have To Say About Working With Us

Frequently Asked Questions

I feel like I'm too busy to exercise. How can I fit this into my schedule?

This program is specifically designed for busy moms. The lessons are available on-demand, so you can fit them into any schedule and they can be done from the comfort of your living room. The exercises will take approximately 15 minutes per day.

Will I need to buy special equipment?

No equipment is needed for this program. It's designed to be convenient and accessible, allowing you to start with just a small space at home.

I haven't exercised in a long time. Is this program suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The program is beginner-friendly and gently eases you back into fitness, making it perfect for those who haven’t exercised in a while.

Have more questions?

A member of our team will be more than happy to help you out. Simply email us at [email protected] or call our studio on 780-808-4144

Are You Ready To Start Taking Care Of Yourself As Much As You Take Care of Everyone Else?

Backed By Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If You Don’t Absolutely Love The Program And Feel A Noticeable Difference After The 4-Weeks, Just Let Us Know And We’ll Give You A Full Refund.

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