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WAY too many times in my career I’ve seen people simply fall into acceptance when it comes to body change that can occur after 40.

Suddenly how we were eating and exercising (or not) isn’t giving us the desired result.

Instead of resigning to what may feel like inevitable body change, here are 6 things you can do to counter an aging body and metabolism:

1. Focus on adding as much muscle to your body as possible. Muscle will keep your metabolism high. Bodyweight exercises, Pilates and weight training are all great options to add more muscle mass to your frame. And ladies, you’re not going to turn into a body builder unless that’s your goal.

2. Cut the alcohol. Alcohol does nothing positive for our physiques or energy. In fact, it can increase cravings, increase water retention and affect hormone production.

3. Eat mostly vegetables, then protein, then highly nutritious starchy carbs like potatoes, quinoa and rice. (Ask me about using your hands for portion sizing)

4. Drink a ton of water – aim for a gallon a day.

5. Sleep and take care of yourself. Whether that’s managing stress or ensuring your own health needs are top priority, it’s more important than ever before that you tend to yourself.

6. Reduce sugar as much as possible. This means specifically sugar that is added to our food – not the sugar that occurs naturally. Added sugar can feed disease and influence our immune systems. We should not fear or demonize sugar but the more single ingredient foods in your diet the better!

If you’re struggling with changes occurring in your body after 40 and you find it challenging to be consistent or accountable to one or more of the above, let’s talk.

Simply send us a message so we can book in a time ASAP.

There are many changes that occur after 40. Embrace them instead of stressing over them. Love and accept your body for the changes it is undergoing and then make changes one at a time for the best results long term. Your body is not the same as your friends and there is absolutely no “one size fits all” or specific diet that will work for everyone.

It is hard to do it alone. I’m here for you and I can’t wait for us to connect!